Journal Le Tour is a great local publication, released quarterly and packed full of interesting articles, events and stories from the surrounding region.
Each edition features an Artist's work on the front cover with an accompanying article inside. In Spring 2023 I was honoured to be the featured cover artist, and my digital drawing of my Sister and Niece titled 'Alice and Delilah' was the featured cover piece.

This year, 2025, the paper reached out to me again, this time to talk about my miniature model making work and my time as a contestant on CBC's 'Best in Miniature'.
Andrea Conway came to my home studio to do the interview and it was lovely to show her my creations and introduce her to the world of miniatures!
My favourite line from the article, which I think beautifully describes the joyful magic of miniatures is this:
"Tiffany’s miniatures offer a completely different artistic, imaginative, tactile experience that is just so fun and makes one… Happy! Afterwards, I found myself walking around my house looking at the different items thinking… I wonder how Tiffany would make that?"
You can read the full article here:
